Sunday, May 22, 2011

My birds

     Since 1976, I have had birds in my life, except for a few short periods of time. My very first bird was a budgie, known as a parakeet only in the united states. I had bought my first budgie when Woolworth's use to be around, and had a bird department. Growing up, my dad always moved into places that didn't allow pets of any kind. He grew up with dogs, so don't know what he had against  having a pet.
    I had budgies for a great deal of my teens into my 30's. My only other pets in there was a few rabbits. My first exsperience with a bigger bird, was with a nanday back in 1997, named Romeo, then a nanday named Chico. My next exsperience was with a cockatiel named Dusty, that I got from a breeder in 1998.
I preferr the conure species of birds, as they seem to stay tame, once they are tamed, and seem to never forget the people they are attached to. Cockatiels seem to distance themselfs if there comes a time when you can't spend much time with them. I still have Dusty and Chico.

    For anyone wanting to get a first bird, go to a reliable bird place, and try to pick out a bird that wants to go home with you. That bird will more likely be friends with you the rest of their lifes. feed them well. Don't keep them on an all seed diet, as this will shorten their lives.  

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