Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Guinea Pigs

     I have had  guinea pigs since March of 2007. My first ones were 2 sister that were born in March. One is all black, and the other one being brown and white, which I fell in love with at first sight. The breeder had lived in the same building as me me at the time, and had talked me into taking the brown and white guinea pigs sister, so she would have company while I was at work. 
    Being that these were my first ever guinea pigs, I didn't know quite what to exspect, and had thought something was wrong with the brown and white guinea pig, finding out that nothing was wrong with her except that she was happy, and was doing something called popcorning. The way she started out though, I really thought she had an ear infection.
    My neighbor knows alot about guinea pigs, since he has been breeding them for a long time, so he had come down to check her, and had asked me to discribe again what was happening. He had said that she was happy, and had exsplained that what she was doing was popcorning. 
    I don't regret getting the guinea pigs now, as they are like taking care of a rabbit in some ways, except you give them guinea pig food instead of rabbit food. But the other food is just about the same, like timothy hay, carrots, romaine lettuce or better, and a few treats once in awhile like broccoli, cauliflower, celery, and stuff like that.
    I never thought a guinea pig would make such a great pet, even for grown ups. They love to be held and petted, and can be litter trained to use a litter pan. I put the same litter in the pan as I use in their cage, which works well. Unlike other pets, guinea pigs do require a high vitiman C diet.

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